
John Deere Excavator Arm

In order to explore the full potential of Generative Design we have conducted a study on a 245G LC John Deere excavator arm without any restriction in terms of preservedgeometry, desired weight, standardization and structural limitations.


Our aim was to light-weight the part while maintain the same structural integrity in terms ofresistance, lifting-power, working feasibility and Factor of Safety, by comparison with theoriginal design

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Final results

• The final topology optimised design shows a 13.3% reduction in mass by comparison with the original arm design: this product is about 90Kg lighter, the consumption of fuel is reduced by 2520L/LT and the overall reduction of CO2 emissions is 40594 Kg.

• The generative design shows a 56.2% reduction in mass by comparison with the original arm design: this product is about 380Kg lighter, the consumption of fuel is reduced by 4759L/LT and the overall reduction of CO2 emissions is 74889 Kg.

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